Officially - not. You may try use JoyToKey or other Gamepad -> Keyboard program.
BUT. In this game pretty comfort play with keyboard. This game need many buttons (~29 count). Isn't possible for gamepad;
One player, Cloud The White, use righthand spam. This right cross is pretty powerful punch and waste small energy.
He just lean left and spam that punch. Early or finally you get it.
Need fix that. I think better increase wasted energy of this punch in 3-4 times.
After starting fight ("Loading") i have that message:
at org.ob3d.jme.energybars.EnergyBarTextureState.createQuad(EnergyBarTextureState.scala:91)
at org.ob3d.jme.energybars.EnergyBarTextureState.init(EnergyBarTextureState.scala:117)
at org.ob3d.jme.energybars.TotalEnergyBarTextureState.init(EnergyBarTextureState.scala:51)
at org.ob3d.states.MultiGameState.init(
at org.ob3d.jme.energybars.EnergyBarCollection.init(EnergyBarCollection.scala:47)
at org.ob3d.states.MultiGameState.init(
at org.ob3d.states.MultiGameState.init(
at org.ob3d.jme.states.FightAndPlaybackState.init(States.scala:71)
at org.ob3d.states.MultiGameState.init(
at org.ob3d.jme.MainGame.enableState(
at org.ob3d.jme.MainGame$2.action(
at org.ob3d.jme.JMETaskQueue$
at com.jme.util.GameTask.invoke(
at com.jme.util.GameTaskQueue.execute(
at org.ob3d.jme.OBStandardGame.update(
at Source)
It's same with AI or real player fight. How fix that?
I redownload game from site and flush ".onlineboxing3d" folder. Nothing change.
* For moving on canvas enough hold WASD-buttons. Press button always for every step - is uncomfortable.
* Come back auto-rotation to enemy side. Rotation only in movement - is unusual.
* Again you can shoot punches from block. Is on 35% weaker..
+ Hooks and uppers now throwing with body rotation. If manually add body rotation, the punch will be stronger.
+ Damage in head depends from hit direction. More damage from landed on-side, less - from down side, lesser - from forward direction.
+ Damage in head depends from is hit point. It increase if you hit in chin.
+ Punches and blocks can controls with mouse, like in Fight Night.
* Game grab the cursor (because you can control your boxer from mouse). Press "Esc" to grab again or pickup it from window.
+ Evaluate winner by point not by landed counts, but by deal damage. You can see points-indicator on screen bottom side.
+ Image on the floor canvas.
* Some changes in punches trajectories and stance positions.
moving mouse without press buttons:
forward / back - lean torso
left - right - rotate torso
LMB - is for punches, move direction:
forward + left - right jab
forward + right - left jab
left / right - left / right hook
back + left - left upper
back + right - right upper
release LMB - finish punch, come back hand in stance
RMB - is for blocks, move direction:
forward - block from jabs
back - block for body
left - block for left hook
right - block for right hook
release RMB - cancel block, come back hand in stance
- undo block changes in 0.2.2, because degrade trajectory of punches
* fix bug, what power of hands not depend on power of hits
* removed dependence speed recovery health from gameplay speed parameter
* minor changes in hands physics (to decrase entanglement)
+ parameter: on/off power wasting, on/off head health, on/off body health, max power amount
+ Global gameplay speed
+ Camera zoom by Num/ and Num*
+ Energy occupation for shoulder girdle (now can't strong hit by both hands in same time, or from block)
+ Energy occupation for loin girdle (now can't weave / dive and moving in same time)
* Some bug-fixes
+ last events log on server (to new player know about last activity)
+ on server shows time in online
+ other method calculation of FPS (thru OnPostRender and Network.time)
+ rotation camera by Backspace
+ reset controls after losing focus of application
+ training fight with AI (like vs players)
+ in fight shows names of boxers
+ almost fully punches statistics
* small changes in punches parameters and trajectory (f. e. hooks - little weakly, uppers - little stronger)
+ short punches with block holding now executed without body rotation
+ in dive-position your legs move slower
+ body block is lower
* boxers shouldn't collide and stucks in after knockdown
* tiny changes in gameplay, what you, probadly, not see
* alot others tiny fixes and bugfixes
* I think, fix all bugs with connection
* Some gameplay fixes (press F1 for check)
+ Sound of punches
+ Sparring mode without timer
+ One surprice in-time fight
+ Sound about new message in chat
Yes. If you download it, you will be play in that always.
You really think what i infect my game? Who is chief on computer - you or your antivirus?
Sure videogames is harmful to you.
+ global dedicated server with chat (Press "Global Server -> Connect")
+ cooperate pause in fight (press "Enter", wait when other player press "Enter" too)
+ chat in-time paused fight
+ select rounds and seconds before fight
+ saving name of boxer in settings
+ body rotation (Z,X) and with punches
+ dive down (LeftAlt)
+ some smooth in movement and boost (left shift)
+ 4 camera views (F2-F5)
+ dump primitive AI without defence in singleplayer
Now i worked on GameServer.
IMPORTANT: You need open 25000, 25001 and 25002 ports.
UPD: YeYeYe, GameServer is worked! I think i made next update in this weekend!
* Gameplay and physics tweaks
* Lower punches to body
+ 5 stances (1-5)
+ uppercut 45-angles (Num1, Num3)
+ speed depends from health head and body
* some multiplayer bugs fixed
+ Add full hands (forearm and shoulder)
+ Power level affects on punch speed
* Change limbs sizes and punches trajectory
+ 10-angles rotation in stance
+ 2 blocks (NumpadEnter and Numpad2), need test efficiency.
+ Uppercuts, FrontBlock
+ NAT option for server (use if you not have Public IP)
+ F1 for help about controls
+ normal camera in multiplayer
+ final punch-stat in local game
Still need test multiplayer.
I tested in my notebook, but he's too weak, and have low FPS (i can't understand - is lags FPS or it connection lags).
YES: Jabs, Hooks, Uppercuts, Weaving, Dive down
5 stances, 3 blocks, legs movements
Local game with AI-bot.
Multiplayer (by IP or with Server).
Standing knockdowns, counting
Lobby and Text Chat before and in-time fight
Provo - coward. Escaped from 3-rd rating fight. When he get right uppercut and left hook, he's understood what is KO and quit on count 4.
I have fight-record.